(credit: passthepopcorn.my)

The best entertainment packages for Malaysian businesses.

AstroBIZ Flexi Packages are designed to give businesses an edge over their competition with competitive prices and a wide choice of channels, together with exceptional customer support. The best entertainment packages for Malaysian businesses. Let your customers enjoy a variety of FULL HD channels and programmes, 100% legal. Astro package cater for businesses such as restaurants, cafes, bars & pubs, service centers, malls, hotels, healthcare, offices, education institutions.

Select Astro for your Business Premise to Boost Your Business!

AstroBIZ caters to a variety of businesses offering you to customize your subscription from a wide range of international & local original content to exclusive LIVE sporting events, all in 4K UHD or FULL HD. All our packs come bundled with 10 Starter Channels. With Astro’s new-and-improved Flexi Pack, you’ll get the flexibility to choose the combination of channels that best suit your business and customers.

Can’t decide which pack to get?

We understand choosing is not an easy task. Not to worry, our friendly sales representative is ready to help you find the perfect pack. Chat with us!

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