In truth, today’s global entertainment sector has greatly expanded the options available to creators, their communities, and the content business. Also, more people than ever before can watch and share more music, movies, sports, and other forms of entertainment because to the size and pace of the entertainment business, particularly the television sector. But piracy has evolved in line with the entertainment industry. Futhermore, piratery is also a big concern for Astro. Surely, to combat piracy we are constantly creating new technologies, initiatives, and regulations.

Therefore, here are some articles related to the enforcement action against the piracy. Next, authorities and Astro do not look down on this, and the public needs to be aware that this is the case with the law and the copyright


Why we should practice anti-piracy?

It’s unlawful to sell or offer to sell Android TV boxes that can stream copyrighted content. Plus, it is regarded as stealing from persons employed in the sports, communications, or entertainment industries.

In short, if you facilitate unlawful viewing of content as a viewer, you are also accountable. People’s hard work is not compensated appropriately, and they lose their employment while you give or enjoy the free view.

Finally, let’s support each other and stream entertainment via legal channels not via Android TV Boxes with non-authorised unpaid content. Likewise, Astro manage the entertainment especially in your shop, so that you can focus on running your business smoothly!

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